And George carries wonderful furnishings and some of the most unique accessories. I purchased a beautiful vintage Italian compote bowl with a blue/gray transferware pattern featuring one of my favorite things - birds! I'll post more about that in the next week or so.
Love this carved Crowned Crane - the wood is very interesting - a velvety, soft texture. Notice the vintage books - they are covered in reproduction 18th century documents.
This idea could be replicated at home - cover old books in photocopies of copyright free vintage documents you can print off the internet. Or pen a favorite poem in cursive and photocopy it onto interesting paper - Emily Dickinson anyone? "A bird came down the walk, He did not know I saw -" (click on the line if you'd like to read the rest of this poem)
Another great bird.
Vintage dominos in a silver footed bowl. They happen to be next to a terrific book - Comfortable & Joyous Homes by Cris Briger and Paul Briger.

Green Front - Farmville, VA
I also stopped in Green Front. Since Green Front is comprised of 12 old brick warehouses converted into a mini-home furnishings empire, I needed to make a pact with myself before exiting the car.
You see, I am beginning to recognize the signs of my addiction. Considering I have a master's degree in Counseling and in a former life I worked in the field of short-term therapy, I am late to this diagnosis. Before exiting the car I vowed - only 2 photos! Otherwise, I could have spent the entire day there, as opposed to half the day. Because of course, setting limits on an addiction is the first step to...This couch, with its colored stripes, caught my eye.

Oh, it is amazing how we design driven people are all alike and moved by certain things! Love that poem and that we both are posting on our love for birds.
Gorgeous shop!
Oh my! What a great pair of stores. Can I come shopping with you?! :-)
What a wonderful striped daybed.
I want that daybed!! I love the fabrics.
so super cool! i LOVE your blog. i work at domino mag and have just started my own design blog, www.urbanfleadesign.com. i linked to your site, and would be forever indebted to you if you did the same for mine! in the meantime, keep up the awesome work and cheers!
xo Katherine aka. Urban Flea
Love that sofa, Michelle! You have the best finds - I would love to visit that shop sometime.
Thanks for the link...and though design isn't really my thing I like the blog.
In the pic of the crested crane does one of the eggs in the bowl in the background have text written inside of it?
Answer: No? I really like her. Click on her name and it'll take you to her website where there's more great pics. She was also portrayed in House Beautiful not long ago.
Hope you'll have a great weekend!
Love Mia
thanks for all the comments. Corey - I looked at the photo close-up and there's a slip of paper in it w/writing. Hard to read but something about the egg.
What beautiful stores. I love all the birds!
I'm sure I would love this store! I already see things I want : Birds and the black lamps
Great pics. I've heard of these stores and now need to make a road trip. I especially liked your thoughts on what our home printers can produce. I've been working on just that thought and have printed out some old copy (copyright free mind you) to use in a number of applications. Its a whole new design tool to achieve some remarkable items. Did I say wallpaper?? Congrats Notting!
Love that couch - and the vintage books :)
Love that couch and George and the dominopieces. I have to go on a severe hunt.
Thanks for sharing your travels.
I don't know how you limited yourself to only two photos!
Oh my gosh, eye candy overload. Love it. I really love the bird pics over the mantle. That's one of my favorite framing techniques. What a great post, it's all so delicious.
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