The artwork really drew me into this room. As you may already know it is eglomise - a french term meaning glass gilded. Per Wikipedia, it's a "process where the backside of the glass is gilded with gold or metal leaf using a gelatin adhesive. The result is a mirror-like, reflective finish in which designs are then engraved." I think I am more familiar with the poorer cousin version - such as Budweiser mirrors on dormroom walls. Love these striking purple and coral green designs from Soicher Marin (Designer Amanda Nisbet, photography by John Bessler,
Traditional Home March 2009)

Modello Designs offers a class called
Elegant Inspirations where they teach mirror patination with pattern, glass etching, gilding and reverse painting. The gorgeous image above is via
Design Amour, the artist is Regina Guray of
Garay Artisans.
My hasty search for eglomise at lower price points didn't yield much (besides small items such as coasters, boxes, etc.) Would love to know if anyone knows of other sources of it - especially framed pieces for a wall.
I love that photo, the bedskirt with the velvet banding is wonderful!
Wow . . . the colours in the bedroom image are magnificent ! ! !
thanks for posting,
Oh goodness, they're just beautiful. I have learnt something new tonight!... thank you! A-M xx
le-go my eglomise - oh, what incredible works of art, now you have peaked my curiosity again (not surprised and I adore these. Off to see if I can find anything locally from some reputable sources.
I really like the colors in that bedroom! The fabrics,colors, layers and artwork all make for a very soothing environment. I love the bedding!
The artwork was the first thing that I saw. I love it. Thanks so much for this inspiration.
Add something like this to my list of things I want. Loved this post, definitely learned some new things.
Found an Eglomise table over at "Paris Hotel Boutique" that I think you might like, it is listed under "furniture"
take a looksie-
Julian Chichester makes some beautiful eglomise furniture pieces, as does Ironies. All of Chichester's mirrored finish come in the eglomise option, which is my favorite.
I am particularly taken with their Larson table with the eglomise top (http://www.julianchichester.com/pages/us/product/177); temple coffee table (http://www.julianchichester.com/pages/us/product/183); Jane Churchill Ebury mirror (http://www.julianchichester.com/pages/us/product/445); their Brighton mirror (http://www.julianchichester.com/pages/us/product/257)
Wow- really beautiful. I do have a little set of botanical coasters that I love.
omg, that first picture is so pretty! love the artwork!
Love that mirroed look - what an interesting decor detail!
Notre Monde has some great items in this category -- and other commentator nailed it with Julian Chichester, one of my favorites! LOVE that bedroom. WANT that bedroom.
Ooh, the sconces! Yes, please.
Thanks for the tips on sources TTI, PVE and RefineDesign - will definitely check them out.
OMG, those mirrors on that first image are SOO beautiful!! Thanks for sharing this information and for including my work!
What a stunning bedroom. And Melanie's work is fabulous, as I know first hand:)
Hello! Thank you as well for mentioning our company, Garay Artisans. Like Melanie, I adore that first pic. I wrote about your gorgeous blog on our Fauxology blog -- I hope it leads to more readers discovering you! Have a great day! :)
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