I know mixing real and faux flowers isn't something new, but I've never tried it myself. Above is a bouquet from Christmas, showing it's age.

I had these faux white crocuses, early signs of spring. So I mixed them in with the fading red roses I could salvage.

What do you think? I thought just O.K. Not sure I'm a fan of mixing just two colors.

Here are the same white faux crocuses mixed with left-over white roses from another arrangement. I like this better than the previous one. However, I think both the bouquets could have benefited from cutting some greenery from a backyard bush and adding that in.

Of course, real flowers have no true replacement. Although, I do like the idea of extending the life of a bouquet by mixing in some faux flowers. What do you think? Have you done it before or would you?
i have never mixed fresh and faux but I will say the photos of your bouquets really look nice.
I think it´s wonderful and today there`s so many faux flowers that are really lovely!!! And when you don´t have fresh flowers around... use faux ones!!
Maria Cecilia
I do love your first image. I haven't ever mixed the two. I like it in the right colors, and I suppose with the faux's looking very real!
I havn't mixed the two before, but I love the way you extended the life of both bouquets. Great job. Hugs, Marty
I have never mixed myself but I think I would, why not? It looks pretty mixed with the same color, I'm not crazy about the two toned look but I tend to not mix flowers in general with the exception of greenery.
Nooooooooooo!!!! I grew up in the '60's with a mother who had a house full of "plastic" flowers (ickk) and in the '80's had my own share of "silk" greenery and flowers... makes my stomach turn just typing those words;) I don't own a single silk anything! I'm a purist now, only the real deal!
I have done this many times and think it is a wonderful wonderful idea as long as the faux ones are the high end kind that look and feel real! And yours certainly do! I couldn't even tell which ones were the fuax ones! Although, like you, I of course always much prefer all real flowers, they are so expensive to have around all of the time so I love mixing to make bouquets last longer just like you have done!
I agree that would be a little more texture too, but they look great with mixing live & not so live too!
I think its a great idea to extend the fresh flowers.
I like both of the arrangements.
I will have to agree with For the Love of a House. No faux flowers. I would never incorporate them into a design. The thought of "arranging" silk or plastic flowers regardless of how pretty, and yours are very pretty, brings me right back to the eighties. Stick with fresh flowers, or some branches, they will always make your home look good and you feel good!
hmmm, I just don't think I could do the faux flowers, I would be channeling my grandmother, who had an entire fake garden...
I would have never even thought of this to do it, what a good idea!
The only faux flowers I have ever seen that were decent were so expensive I couldn't pull the trigger. I always have fresh, even if they are grocery store flowers. I pull out all the yucky filler from the grocery store and add things from my yard. I can usually get a week out of them. It's my splurge weekly & now I'm raising a daughter who comments if I don't have pretty flowers on the kitchen island.
I sometimes use the filler in a tiny vase to put by her bed. She loves it.
Hope you are well.
Ragland Hill Social
i know most designers frown upon using fake flowers, but i think it just depends. I have a bouquet of faux peonies that i bring out once in a while, and guests always comment on how lovely my "fresh" flowers look....
I am with Rachel, I have two vases with fake peonies that I picked up from Merrifield Garden Center in Fairfax. I get compliments on them all of the time--I swear they look so real one of the landscape architects there stopped me to feel them when I was walking around with them on my cart.
Personally, I like what you have done, esp. in the last arrangement. At first I thought they were gardenias before I looked closer. I say go for it...just don't let them collect dust!
those are some nice looking fake flowers. i've never mixed silk with fresh but I have mixed dried with fresh. in wedding florals to boot! they looked beautiful.
It's never occured to me!!
It's a bonus that you extended out some tired flowers - looks good.
haven't tried it, but definitely seems like a good way to -- as you said -- extend the life of cut flowers or just fill them out some more. will have to give it a shot!
I like what you've done, it just reminds me of my mom, who likes anything fake if it is real enough to trick you! Anything--fruit, flowers, bugs...yes, she's eccentric, but daring!
I think it's a brilliant idea and I loved all the photos you've shown.
ummmm, i'm a florist, so i say NO. cutting greens from your yard is always a great idea, of cutting the flowers even shorter and filling a small pretty vase or pitcher is ideal.
I'm ashamed to admit that I'm a faux flower snob of great magnitude... however, I must say that your lovely photos made think again! x
i like the white flowers mixed best.
your eye will be fooled that way.
----just in case someone is taking a closer second look.:)
love it and do it all the time!
but as others have mentioned the best effect is with the high end faux's that indeed look real.
my favorite use is in winter outdoor containers, mixing in faux (red berries, hard plastic only) and other elements with the greens to extend the season.
great post once again!
There is nothing like fresh flowers, but when the fakes are good, why not use some to "freshen" up the bouquet! In a pinch, I've even used nice looking fakes in a clear glass vase. If you add water, everyone thinks they are real. Fresh is still best, tho!
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