Wednesday, December 8, 2010

glassybaby - the perfect gift

I had never heard of glassybaby until recently when a friend, originally from the Seattle area, gave me one as a hostess gift. Instant love. Mine is called Hudson and it's beautiful to hold and to look at. Don't you often find that beautiful, well made things often have a wonderful story behind them?
"When the first glassybaby was created in 1998, Lee Rhodes, glassybaby creator and founder, was raising her three small children and fighting what would become a 7-year battle with a rare form of lung cancer. She had endured surgery, countless rounds of chemotherapy, and was searching for a few moments of serenity to escape the fear that encompassed her life. Inspired by the beauty of these elegant vessels, Lee filled them with tea lights and scattered them throughout her home.

A favorite description of glassybaby was written by Lee's 12-year-old son, Mericos, and given to her in the early morning one Christmas. "A glassybaby is physically a small, colored glass cup, candleholder, or vase. But the light of a candle coming through a glassybaby generates more: it gives warmth to a cold day, a calm token of peace in the busy world."It takes four glassblowers from glassbaby's team of 70 to create just one unique, handmade glassybaby.

Isn't this photo brilliant! To see more glassybabIES, go here.

*If you noticed the lion statue from the first picture, it's one of a pair from Flat Earth Designs.

(please note this is my personal opinion and I receive no form of compensation of any kind.)


  1. just beautiful, thank you for sharing.

  2. These are gorgeous and what a story behind them! Janell

  3. WOW...what a story, and I adore the glassbabys!! Going to check out the website ~

  4. Love this post! So fun learning about new and beautiful things.

  5. Michele,
    This is a beautiful story, and the candles are gorgeous. Thanks for sharing. I am headed to their site.
    Have a great day.

  6. I first learned of them from Elizabeth of Pretty Pink Tulips and know I love them!

  7. I did a post about these a while back - I'm smitten with them as well!!! Each and everyone are just gorgeous...and what a great back story!

  8. Beautiful story to relate when you give them as a present.
    Mary Ann

  9. These are amazing! I love gifts more than things I buy for myself.

  10. Thanks for blogging about these as I have never seen them before. I burn candles every day from morning til night so a glassbaby will certainly be on my shopping list the next time I'm in NYC. They are fabulous!

  11. Love glassybaby... just like candy - it is hard to decide which one to pick!


  12. Oh I love glassybaby! We celebrated our Seattle Children's Hospital Guild Christmas party at their Madrona studio last night. It was a lovely setting for a party. We go to watch the glass blowers at work and did a little shopping w/part of the proceeds generously donated to our Guild! I left w/3 new glassybabys--2 "hope" and 1 "remembrance" to remind me not to lose faith in my dreams and to always remember to be thankful for life. Great post!

  13. What a tremendous story and a glassybaby is simply gorgeous. Lee Rhodes sounds another strong, amazing woman and mother. Thank you for posting this story.

    Send you holiday cheer!

  14. This fall I visited Seattle with my husband and 28 year old daughter. At my insistance we went to the Glassybaby studio...I was smitten. My family thinks I am a little crazy to love mine so much, but they are truly jewels. And your post makes me realize its such a small blogging world!

  15. lovely story, gorgeous product. went to their website michele an love the hudson by far. and, you know i can't resist anything from richard.

  16. Yum! I love art glass and I must add these to the collection. Thanks for the post!

  17. indeed....
    they are so simple and pretty.
    the story is a good xmas story.

    out of pain can come great beauty. and if it is gently directed, nurtured, and handled with care.

    merry xmas my friend

  18. They are lovely! I would use them as a candle holder myself!
    Lila Ferraro

  19. These are great! Love all of the beautiful colors. Hope you are having a good week! xo

  20. These are great! Love all of the beautiful colors. Hope you are having a good week! xo
