Michele Ginnerty, My Notting Hill
"The ordinary arts we practice every day at home are of more importance to the soul than their simplicity might suggest." Sir Thomas Moore (1478 - 1535)For the last three years, blogging about design has become
"ordinary" for me, a regular and customary part of my life. At a glance, My Notting Hill is simply words and pictures but that belies its importance to my soul and the extra-ordinary gifts of friendship and community that this endeavor has bestowed. To be listened to and understood is a wonderful kindness to receive. To all of you who read this blog, my sincerest thank you. To everyone I have met through this blog, my life is richer for it. Thank you.

This past week, a surprise package from the very talented and ever thoughtful
Patricia van Essche arrived at my door step; a set of note cards of one of her illustrations that I had admired. Fittingly it represents the joy of both giving and receiving and echoes how I feel about writing my blog and reading others.

Speaking of gift giving, I am fortunate that
Ramsign, a Danish company specializing in high quality, porcelain enamel signs recently contacted me about a giveaway for my readers. The lucky winner will receive either a house number sign or name sign of their choosing. There are five classic styles and colors to select from and the giveaway is open to anyone, regardless of location.

Even if you already like your current house number, consider giving your house a name sign or finding a place for a second number.
HighlanderTo have a chance to win, all you have to do is leave a comment by Friday 9 pm eastern time. The comment section is Open ID - just be sure that I'll have someway to contact you if you win.
Looking forward to blogging in 2011! Michele

*Update: The winning number is 25. Congratulations to AnneHH! (Sorry for this blurry photo but I couldn't figure out how to capture the screen from random.org)
Hullo, Michele. Congrats on the anniversary! It's been a pleasure to read My Notting Hill these past 3 yrs.
Ramsign signs are wonderful -- I've been a fan for awhile.
Happy new year!
Michele, congratulations!! Your site always inspires me!
I have always loved these signs, they are just so unique, very special!
Art by Karena
Congratulations on three great years. I don't have to tell you that you have one of the top blogs! Your posts are something I look forward to, and I look forward to the next year. I appreciate so much the support you have given me as a newbie!
LOVE these signs! Put my name in the hat.
Happy New Year!
Three yesars is a wonderful accomplishment. The signs are fantastic. Thanks for sharing.
Charla @ cahhdj@centurytel.net
Cheers to you!I always enjoy my visits.Sweet Giveaway! ~Kim
Happy New Year, Michele and happy anniversary! I always love coming here and leave so inspired.
The signs are lovely, I have always admired them!
Thank you for the continued beauty and inspiration that you bring!
xo Isa
Wow, 3rd Anniversary! Thrilled that you are part of my life, sharing such lovely "signs" to give our homes allure!
Happy Anniversary!
Michele: You've been an inspiration and one of my favorite blogs. Keep it up! A ramsign would be awesome on Haven!
Michelle, Congrats on three years! I really enjoy reading your blog. Happy New Year!
Hello MIchelle:
Love your blog, I have been reading for several months. Love the signs.
Hi Michelle
It seems like ages ago that we corresponded about your trip to Fredericksburg, but that is the way this blogging thing works - it fosters communication among like minded folks in a subtle way, with emails and blog posts that weave themselves into the daily fabric of our lives and all of a sudden we have new friends to share thoughts and ideas with.
So glad your blog has been such a blessing to you. Keep up the great work and have a wonderful new year. Ann
Congrats on your third anniversary. You picked a great PVE picture. It must have been a lovely surprise.
What a milestone! Congrats! I love reading your blog :)
The signs are cute, I'll definitely put them to good use!
I love those signs! And my house could really use one! =o) Happy 2011!!
Those are so pretty! I haven't ever considered dressing them up, but they are gorgeous! Great giveaway and congrats on three years!!!
Three years of blogging! Kudos to you! I am heading for my 3 MONTH anniversary - I'm impressed. How very sweet of PVE to send you the package and such a lovely one at that.
Happy Blogiversary and a giant congrats on 3 years! And thanks for the giveaway:)
Congratulations on your 3rd anniversary. I've enjoyed reading your blog. The signs are really great looking.
No bones about it, I'd like a sign.
Well, I was gonna leave a comment anyway...no need for a giveaway! (Great giveaway, though! I wish I lived in my cute side door colonial in CT still. This would work there, not so much on my cookie cutter tract home ):) What I was hoping to say, I LOVE your blog! I find it refreshingly different from some other blogs. I love your blog!
i'm a new reader, several months now and really enjoy your posts, thanks! i could definitely find a place for a ramsign sign.
Hi Michele,
Congratulations on lyour anniversary. I really love reading your blog. I would love to win one of those beautiful signs.
I also love the art of PVE,
Love the blog, love the signs! (Hope I win!)
Crossing my fingers,
Yours is one of the first blogs I signed onto. You are on my own fledgling site's blogroll. I want to be Notting Hill when I grow up. Congrats on 3 years!...K
Most sincere congratulations on reaching this milestone. I have so much admiration for you and the other trail blazing bloggers because you set such a high standard for design blogs and have inspired so many wonderful blogs that followed. I commend you too for the positive tone of your blog and thank you for all of the fun, interesting, informative, practical, aspirational, beautiful posts that you have put up over the last three years.
My life is far richer for My Notting Hill.
Thank you,
One of my favorite blogs!
What would I name my house?
"Perfect for me!". ;-)
Happy 3 years!! So glad to have met you - both in blogland and real life!
Great giveaway too - love the Highlander sign!
Happy anniversary!
Wonderful, I know how you feel.
Blog friends are precious!
And those sign very pretty!
Keep going!
Congratulations, Michele on 3 years of observations, ideas and posts! You have been an inspiration to me ever since I found your blog.
Wishing you well as you embark on your 4th year!!
xo Elizabeth
Congratulations on three whole years of blogging, and making every single post a worthwhile read. Keep up the inspiration!
Michele - Congratulations on your blogging anniversary. Three years and going strong! I am happy for the connection we have made through our blogs.
All the best to you,
Congrats on reaching your milestone :)
I have only just started 'following' you, but your blog has been on my computer 'favourites' list for a year or so now & I do love it.
The signs are very beautiful as well - please enter me into the draw.
Congratulations on your Anniversay! Does it seem that long or did time pass in a flash? Your blog is great and my favorite. Thanks for a great giveaway because I have been wanting the Engelhardt
Oval Address Plaque for my Cottage in Nh for a long time so I hope I win!!!
Happy Blogiversary!
I have long admired these numbers & would very much love to win one.
Al the best in 2011!
I really love your blog. I used to live in DC and love your trip to Matthews, And George and other locations I used to visit. It warms my heart to go back there. Thank you for your blog.
What an inspiring blog. Congratulations on 3yrs and thank you for the giveaway!
Love your blog, and love the opportunity to win one of those great signs!
I read you all the time, but I don't come above board very often to leave a comment. I truly enjoy everything you share, and the fact that you're local is a special treat!
Congratulations on your anniversary!! May you have many, many more.
What a lovely giveaway!
Thanks everyone for all your well wishes. I really appreciate it. The lucky number was 25 and the winner is AnneHH!
your words in this post are lovely, Michele. I agree totally about the richness that blogging and meeting like-minded souls brings. congratulations on your blog anniversary; I look forward to sharing many days and thoughts with you!
all my best, donna
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