Mystery solved!
Angela of Giannetti Home: Design Online commented to let me know the $4.59 yard fabric I previously posted about
here is Donghia's Stella. From the website it seems that mine is Luminary Yellow #0375-03 and is a linen/cotton jacquard described as "woven like a fine Italian linen scarf, Stella diffuses and filters light with an impression of soothing earthy tones."
I love closure and am so appreciative that Angela saw the post and shared this info with me.

If you weren't already aware of Giannetti Home: Design Online service, you can read more about their services

thank you so much to
Design Indulgence and
Preppy Little Dress for giving me a Stylish Blogger Award. It requires you to share 7 things about yourself and award recently discovered bloggers. I'm going to deviate by including some bloggers I've known for a while - hope that will be ok.
Coming up with 7 things was hard so I'm going to share 7 very recent things.
1. Last week I fell off a curb and skinned my knee through my pants. Really, at age 46, falling so hard on the pavement you skin your knee and bleed all over?
2. For some reason, I've been buying necklaces w/lions on them. I'm a Leo but not sure what that's about...
3. Later today I'm visiting one of my favorite bloggers.
4. I'm sad we keep missing all the snow in DC.
5. I have taken up running and run/walk 2. 5 miles every other day.
6. This last week I'm up to the 6.0 speed on the treadmill.
7. My goal is to get to 6.5 by the end of February.
And here's a list of lovely, friendly & stylish bloggers:
Hope you have a great weekend!
Ouch, hope your knees are better and you're up and running. And wait, you had me stopped in my tracks when I spotted my blog on your list! Thanks so much!
Have a great weekend!
xo Cathy
Oh, hope your boo boo is all better and that you get some snow to soften the next fall! I mean fall for a lovely piece of fabric! Funny- I thought it was a scarf...
Thanks so much for including me on your list- and sorry to hear about your knee- ooch. Happy weekend my dear and thanks so much for thinking of me!
I must tell you how WOW'ED (is that a word???) I am to be included in your list. "My Notting Hill" was the first blog I discovered and read regularly. You might say my blog was started because of my high regard of yours. Thanks and have a great weekend--my weekend has already been great!
OH my! thank you! I was just reading away....and there I was.....I am honored and will pass this on to 7 more....did I say I was honored? smiles....
Thank you so much for including my blog on the list! I enjoy reading yours and look forward to checking out some of the others. Thanks again!
Sorry to hear about your mis-step, and hope your knee is doing better. In a bit of Schadenfreude, I find your disclosure comforting too. I'm 46 as well, and frequently trip over my own feet.
You were so kind to include me in your list, and thanks for the extra traffic you brought my way. You're the best. I so love looking at your eye candy...who needs magazines.
Thanks for playing along! Sorry to hear you skinned your knee! :( No fun!
BTW, stop on over I am hosting an awesome giveaway over on my blog!
:) PLD
Sorry you skinned your knee...I wish I took a picture of myself 3 years ago when I fell so bad that I had cut up my face, arms and legs. I looked like I got in fight and a bad one at that. It was dark, I had heels on and my neighborhood has seriously uneven sidewalks. I am just trying to say I feel for you! And I totally agree...wish the snow would come already! My son and I have been so disappointed this year, especially compared to last year in DC! Love your blog and take care!
Love your blog... after yesterday I hope you've got the snow you wanted... smile Fay
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