Recognize the living room on the left that's featured in the
FLOR carpet catalog? I'm pretty positive it's the room below, designed by Nate Berkus. OK - enough procrastinating and minor trivia for me, time to get back to my paying job...

Interior design by
Nate Berkus, image via
Chicago Home + Garden (more images there), photography by Bob Coscareli.
isn't the new flor catalog super stylish? i was shocked and it's still sitting on my desk rather than in the trash! I guess if they're using real spaces by designers as a backdrop they can't fail.
Great eye!! When I first read this post, I figured you must have the absolute most photographic memory EVER... then I noticed that this is the room with your little impulse-buy stools ... and it all made sense. How cool that Flor is using real designer rooms!
Good eye! Isn't it interesting how different the coloring can be made to appear in different photos? Great catch. And beautiful room :)
Great eye! ...and such a nice space.
I am rather smitten with Nate lately. I was at the library today and read his interview in the latest O magazine. It touches on the loss of his late partner and how he incorporates memories in his apartment. Brilliant advice.
That will teach me not to file away the new FLOR catalogue without even opening it! I Love FLOR & love Nate ... Thanks for sharing!
How funny,
I'd been prepping a post on this very theme -- that is, the recurrent use of recognizable designer-done homes used as backdrops in the FLOR catalogs.
In truth, I think the rooms are the best part of their merch ;)
Cheers, Alcira
I just got that in the mail...interesting observation! Nate is everywhere and what's not to love about him!!
FLOR helps make the room a beauty of a statement and I love the cool take on the Greek key design on the table. Amazing how photography and lighting affect colorations but yes, great catch!
You! Are really good!
Bravo, yay! Flor will tell you they shoot on location and retain no information about the location or the furnishings, which... boo and yuck. Can't they pay one person to jot down a few details occasionally? So glad to see at least one room with a source - great eye for recognizing it.
Great room.
Love this trivia. What a good eye...wonder what they paid him?
I'm glad to realize I'm not the only person who looks at the Flor catalog for inspiration other than rugs! Not to mention that Nate is great. I've never thought about it until now, but the two go together nicely.
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