This is one of the most beautiful dining libraries I've ever seen. I love the contrast of light and dark, formality and informality and the scale of the space. Pretty much perfection. This image comes from an incredible blog called
Beautiful Libraries with a very accurate tagline, The Most Beautiful Libraries in the World. The blog mentions this library is in Mel Gibson's Connecticut mansion which was for sale back in 2009. If you love libraries, this blog will be a joy to visit.
Hope you have a great weekend. I'm thankful to have woken up this morning to a voice mail from my husband that he got to his hotel near Utica NY at 3:30 am after driving through some serious ice and snow that started in Binghampton. D - love, love, love you. He's there to celebrate his Mom's 80th birthday. Happy Birthday Pat!
Libraries provide such comfort, whilst waiting for news of a loved one's safe arrival. I deliver our 2nd son back to school on Sunday and I am praying for good clear skies! Happy 80th to Pat!
What a perfect mix of a dining and reading space that is not too stuffy or overbearing. The interior is so inviting, would love to sip a cup of tea, and grab a good book here.
Now this room is the epitome of gorgeousness! Something about it just says spend the day here. Headed over to see the blog now.
Have a nice weekend, Michele Glad your husband had a safe trip. I have driven in snow once, and I ended up in a ditch. I did learn to go with the swerve!
That IS a beautiful library.
Happy Birthday, Michele's mom-in law!
i am with you completely.
too cool!!
i have wanted a dining room/library forever.
i still working on a client to do it.
So pretty! Just love it!
nothing beats the cozy atmosphere of a dining/library room and this is a killer combo!
this is such a perfect dinning/library design dahhling. Just beautiful.
Thank you!....smiles
I agree. I have always thought a dining/library would be so practical. I do have a French bookcase which I use as a buffet in our dining room but floor to ceiling bookcases would be so intimate.
Happy weekend.
Superb... Thank you for the link to that fabulous blog... xv
happy birthday mom and glad he is okay. that is always such a worry - i used to do a lot of winter driving for work and it was always a crap shoot what the drive home was going to be like (e.g. 2h drive in a whiteout that takes 6h)...so i get it!
love that dining library.
This is a great library.In the library many different type of furnitures and chairs to increase beauty of the library.
vanity mirrors
Detest him. Love the library/dining room. I have one, and I love it.
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