Monday, March 12, 2012

Bookshelves in the Bedroom - Yes or No?

Setting aside kids' rooms, what do you think of bookshelves in bedrooms? Too busy and distracting or just the right thing to add character and interest. For me it's a yes.

Image from House Beautiful's book, Decorating with Books, photography by Tria Giovan
Elle Decor via Master Class JPD School of Design (I'm not advocating fur throws but I do love this bedroom otherwise)
David Easton's bedroom via New York Social Diary
via Content in a Cottage
via Elements of Style
Design by Lisa Wagner via Martha Stewart Living here.


  1. A big yes for me on all of those gorgeous bedrooms. Lili of the book "Details" fame said that there is nothing like books to warm up a room - and I so agree. A bedroom with books is divine.

  2. I vote YES, too. We read in bed, so why not have books right there at hand ... or you'll end up with a heap of books on and beside the nightstand ... like I have now. :)

  3. Reading in bed is a luxury and so are all those shelves.
    I am rather partial to stacks on the floor but shelves would remedy that rather nicely.

  4. If the stack of books on my nightstand threatening to topple over is any indication...then YES.

  5. Michele Oh yes; bookshelves in the master. My high rise condo in San Diego had them and I interspersed many books with decorative objects.

    Every night I read; even though now its is my Kindle, yet still I love the real thing!

    Art by Karena

  6. I say yes! I've got two in my bedroom!

  7. I think not, I like to reserve the space for a blank canvas for which to dream... maybe if I was an avid reader I would change my mind? I do have stacks of magazines in my bedroom!

  8. a big YES from me too, nothing is cozier

  9. Absolutely YES! However, I might not ever leave bed again.

  10. I love the first an last image! Perfection and not too much!
    Happy Monday, Michele.

  11. I have one bookcase in my bedroom and a pile by my bed, but I would feel wary of having them on a shelf above my head - I live in SF bay.

    My erudite friend in Sydney had shallow shelves built all round her bed and the wall opposite and it looks wonderful. However my sister, an avid reader, keeps them all in another room as they 'talk' to her. It is so personal!

  12. For me...yes. Books always make a room look like a home!

  13. These are beautiful. Books are appropriate in every room.

  14. Hard to imagine a comfortable bedroom without books at hand -- but you're right, there can be too much going on, visually. The first shot is a little too busy for me.

  15. Bookshelves in any room are perfect.

  16. I agree that bookshelves in any room are wonderful, warming up the room and one can never have too many books !
    I prefer the look of the first bedroom, mostly because my taste for bedrooms runs to more serene and uncluttered looks.

  17. Bookshelves are like friends, the more the merrier. They certainly make any room cozy, and I love that.

  18. A big yes from me for all ages. I always seem to have a towering stack of books next to the bed.
    xo Cathy

  19. well, I've never really considered it before. It does totally work in most of these spaces. Where I really want to add bookshelves and books is in the dining room! donna

  20. Bookcases are timeless classics in any room, but I believe especially in the bedroom. Reading a chapter from your favorite "love story" can do wonders to evoke passion and go for it and stock the shelves with literary classics! You'll never be lonely that's for sure, surrounded by so many interesting friends to read about! :)

  21. I love ALL of your photos.
    YES to books in the bedroom. You get my vote!

  22. I am a big "yes" to bookshelves in bedroooms. We can't stop buying books, and we have piles of them everywhere, with all the shelves filled, and stacks on the floor. The Duchess of Windsor got it partly right--you can never be too rich, or too thin, or have too many bookshelves! RD

  23. just from a practicality standpoint -yes! At least for those of us who read in bed.

  24. Absolutely yes. Although, I'm not sure about right above the good earthquake, you know.

  25. Divine bedrooms! Why not have books around you? Never a dull moment to be sure!

  26. Ew, no. Unless you're going to dust every morning. I don't want to spend all night inhaling dust. That's a horrible idea for anyone with allergies or asthma.

  27. Good question...but i am thinking no...dining room, kitchen, library and living room...YES.

  28. Kids Rooms
    Loved the post but the point you make is a good one.

  29. Book cases in the bedroom?...a resounding yes from me!!

  30. YES! I'm a big fan! David Easton's bedroom is my new crush!

  31. I could stay there for a long time in a lazy sunday afternoon.

    6 bedroom house plans
