Tuesday, October 2, 2012

An Ode to 90

My aunt passed away this summer, just shy of 91. I admired her and respected her greatly.
When I was a young mom, she came to visit when my son was just a few months old.  Fussing in my arms, Ryan was inconsolable and I kept trying to coddle and comfort him. She caught my eye and emphatically stated, in her perfect New England accent,
"Put that child down. You'll arrest his development!"
I immediately laid him down on a blanket to watch him fuss a bit but eventually settle himself as he happily began to move along the floor. Rita was right. (a phrase that should be carved in stone.)

Later in the day, after listening to me complain incessantly about my boss and her foolish business practices, Rita simply said, "Why don't you just work for yourself." Her question flung open the door to the idea of self-employment and a business of my own. Eighteen years later I still happily count myself as a small business owner.

This summer I found myself absorbed with woes of too much work and not enough free time that I entertained the thought of writing a blog post titled, The Summer of My Discontent. Trust me - it would have been an exercise in self-absorbed pity

Then I attended Aunt Rita's memorial service and read the poem she had witten on the occasion of her 90th birthday. Even in life after death, my practical and accomplished Aunt was giving me just the kick-in-the-pants I needed. Thank you Aunt Rita. You are loved and missed.

Ode to Being Ninety
by Rita E. Duffy Pervier 

Ode to myself
Before I'm on the shelf
The time was sublime
With much laughter and shine
Of course some bitter, but others better
Challenging to be a "go-getter"
Each morning exciting
What unknown to unfold
A passing parade - family, friends untold
Giving love and friendship
So thank you as I speed to 91 - more fun


  1. Im so sorry for your loss, but there is so much to learn from our elders! She sounds like a wonderful, loving and spunky aunt, whom you will never forget. Her poem says it all. Enjoy the memories.
    xo Nancy

  2. What an impressive lady your aunt was. Her poem is fantastic.

  3. Beautiful! Thank you for sharing, I found the poem inspirational. You are so lucky to have had such a blessing
    On another note! Love your blog!
    Great posts!
    Jamie Herzlinger

  4. Dear Nancy,
    How beautiful to share a part of your Aunt Rita with us. We could all use some of that New England wisdom in our lives. Her poem was priceless - maybe there are more to find!
    Thank you,
    Charlotte / Willard and Palmer Design

  5. We all have those select people in our lives that influence us and lift us up. Your aunt seems like she was a very wise, special lady...so sorry she is gone but you have her spirit and memories to smile upon now. :) Very moving poem.

  6. Sorry for your loss...but what an incredible gal! Were women just wiser back then?????

  7. How marvelous to pay tribute to someone with spark and spunk.

    My very own 85 year old Mother told me when my daughter was 2, "Put that child down, she has legs - never ever do for them what they can do themselves" so true. Soon as I put her down, she was off and running.
    It is true.


  8. im sorry for your loss michele. thats a lovely poem she wrote and how great that you have it with you.

  9. Wow, she's amazing..thanks for sharing some of her greatness with us..such gems of wisdom!

  10. What a touching story about your aunt Rita! She sounds like an amazing women, one we could all stand to emmulate. And, I absolutely adore her poem.

    She.....had a life well lived! Thank you for sharing her story with us, Michele! And, I'm so happy she encouraged you to strike out on your own.

    xoxo Elizabeth
