Wednesday, February 19, 2014

An Amazing Exterior Renovation!

From simple and forlorn, to striking and dramatic.  Can you believe this is the same little house?  Arkansas based landscape designer Daniel Keeley transformed this house with new windows, a brick facade and a lot of talent!  Images via Outside the Box with D. Keeley - At Home in Arkansas.



  1. That is really lovely. I always admire that kind of vision.

  2. Fabulous, indeed! The landscaping is everything! You mean they installed a new brick facade and painted it? That is ballsy. It is really handsome though. Love the welcoming gate. xo Nancy

  3. A diamond in the rough, what incredible vision!!

  4. that is a great and relatively simple transformation! you never know what you can do with those rough gems.

  5. This reminds me of a Tara Dillard landscape ... so fabulous that it makes me want to open the door to see what's inside.

  6. I had to keep scrolling up and down to fully appreciate the changes. What an amazing example of true talent. Scale and balance done to perfection!

  7. Wow! But of course this is why with a desire to go from simple to spectular it is always best to hire the help and expertise of an architect.

  8. Amazing. I would love to see the inside too!

  9. What a great example of the impact a dark paint color can make! Note that the window mullions are painted the same dark grey. Bravo!

  10. what a lucky homeowner! the pots and the lanterns are my favorite!

  11. How adorable. You have to look twice to believe it's the same house.

  12. WOW, that is so great!! Love the color they chose and the curb appeal is wonderful!

  13. Wow! This is such a dramatic change! My house looks very similar to the before picture and I've been wanting to update the exterior for quite some time. I'm glad I found your blog because it helped show me that it doesn't take a lot of work to make a huge change.

  14. WOW. This is the best exterior renovation I've ever seen. Seriously, I want to move in with you. That is the cutest house I've ever seen! I hope mine turns out half as cute when I'm finished.

  15. This house doesn't even look the same anymore! How did they get the outside color? Did they just end up painting the brick? Angela |
