I have and always will LOVE Dick Button!! When people play that game, "What famous people would like to invite to dinner?" I always include Dick Button, 2 time Olympic Gold Medal Champion and best commentator on the sport ever. Always tells it like it is, and in my book, right on target.
Now I'm over the moon to discover his recently released book - Push Dick's Button: A Conversation on Skating from a Good Part of the Last Century--and a Little Tomfoolery
My Valentine's Day is complete!
What a fun post...Happy Valentine’s Day to you – I hope you have a wonderful love filled weekend!
Yay!!! I love Dick Button, too! Was just telling a friend the other day how much I miss him on the Olympics ... having to now put up with Tara Lipinski and Johnny Weir (yawnnn). Dick Button is to sports what Roger Caras was to Westminster. So happy to know about this book!
Happy Valentine's Day to you, too.
A truly great guy! Have a wonderful weekend Michele!
The Arts by Karena
LOVE that guy...the olympics are not the same without him...thanks for reminding us all..I will have to check it out...
And he is also a MAJOR collector of American Federal and Classical era furniture...
Will have to check this out! I hope you had a great Valentine's Day!
Okay...I came across this home when we were doing one of our "fixers". I couldn't get enough of it. Talk about putting lipstick on a pig! This is one of my all time favorite transformations!!
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