Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Back from Europe & Life Changes

We're back from an amazing 16 days in London, Oia-Santorini, Rome, Florence & Venice - a trip the four of us will long remember for all that we saw and did!  Have to admit - it's very hard adjusting back to real life. Which only makes me think that I'm not interested in returning to it exactly as it was.

I like to think of a vacation as vacating your life as you know it;  leaving behind old routines and opening new doors.  On this trip I really noticed the routines and habits of my back-at-home life that are more of a burden than a joy and the things that matter more to me now that I'm close to turning 50 :)

Here's a few of the changes I'm making:

- a lot less time on the internet
- saying yes to opportunities  that just pop up.  Just said yes to a  week up in the Thousand Islands, the pre-vacation me would have turned it down
- focusing more on staying in touch with extended family and friends
- returning to the book project I started this winter.  It has nothing to do w/design or this blog but it's something I'm really excited about it.  More on it in August.

Hope you're been having a great summer.  Curious, has your vacation time got you thinking about any life changes?

Oia  Santorini 






  1. WOW!
    What an amazing holiday!
    I can't wait to see more blogs about it!

  2. Unfortunately, I won't be having any vacations for a while as I'm being laid off on Friday. But being laid off will definitely mean some life changes.

  3. Squeak - I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope that things will be ok and your next opportunity will be a good one. Michele

  4. Traveling is so life changing isn't it? We did not make it to Venice on our last Italian trip. I am anxious to see and hear more about it!!

  5. Thank you for those pictures! We're going to the beach in August, and I've made a vow not to look at the computer for two weeks. Can't wait to see more from your travel album!

  6. It looks like you we're lucky to find such a delightful reset button. I think the notion of saying yes to more things is bound to have interesting and fun results.

  7. your photos of your whirlwind vacation are lovely... There is a magical empowerment that welcomes the heart back from wonder and discovery. Enjoy, as you return to your daily routines with a refreshed attitude and satisfaction.
    Welcome back and I look forward to more European photo essays.

  8. Oh wow how spectacular, love your photos! I think a really good vacation does that -sort of resets our wheels and makes us realize what is important in our 'real' lives. After seeing that Jim Carey movie a few years ago when he had to say 'yes' to everything (forget the name -remember it?) I sort of opened my own life up to saying yes more often. Weird how a silly movie can do that! Have fun in the Thousand Islands!

  9. MIchele what a glorious vacation! My last to Southern California really opened my eyes. What am I doing to make a difference while I am here, and yet how to fully experience all that life still has to offer !

    The Arts by Karena
    Interview with Raji

  10. Your photos are gorgeous! They make me want to hop on a plane right this instant!

  11. What a wonderful vacation you've had! I'd love to visit all those places when my boys are a bit older. And your book project? - I can't wait to hear more about it! xx

  12. Michelle, what a gorgeous vacation and wonderful regrouping of the soul. Your head is in the right place and so glad you had a wonderful time! xo Nancy
