Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Small Town Love in CNY

I'm back from a long weekend in Central New York, the first night in the beautiful village of Skaneateles, a few miles from where I grew up.  Clift Park is full of flags, each one dedicated to a veteran by family and friends, sharing their gratitude with everyone around. 

Community shows up in so many ways.  My morning walk was full of Good Mornings, even one from the two women running on the other side street as me.  They shouted it over to me and it felt like getting a little package of friendliness.  I love greeting people in the street and am so happy it's still a part of daily life every place you go in central NY. 

The older I get, the harder and harder I find it to make the drive back to DC, and I don't mean the drive literally.  Someday I won't get back in the car - probably about 6 years from now :)   In the meantime, I need to remember to "love the one you're with" and keep saying hi to people here in the big city.  Maybe I'll even call it out from across the street.


  1. I used to think Big City people never said hello on the street but living in Buenos Aires, I learned that you not only said hello to everyone but you asked them how they were and they would remember if you said you had a sort foot.. next time they saw you they would ask about your foot.
    I now live in a small town in Upstate NY and I find it charming but isolating. Shop people and my next door neighbors know me but otherwise, in a place where you have to drive to shop anywhere, you don't meet people in the same way. I guess it is good if you have a family but living alone , not so great.

  2. Your post really resonated with me - especially the part about saying hello. Living and working in the DC area, too, I find it hard to go home after trips elsewhere. I grew up in Florida, and it was not unusual to say hello to everyone. It made me feel connected to the time and place.

  3. Lovely photos and a beautiful quiet place. I love central New York state.

  4. Central NY is beautiful, not too far from where I live. If you decide to move up there, let's get together for a cup of tea :)

  5. Central NY is amazing and your post proved it. Very patriotic - I love it. Thanks for sharing!
