Tuesday, April 21, 2015

EasyPaint to My Rescue! - our Family Room

My Family Room - If you've read this blog over the years you'll know that I've never done a post on my family room primarily for two reasons:  (1) it's a bit of a jumble of furniture that used to be some where else and (2) I painted it myself and did a terrible job, especially on the ceilings.  13+ feet  up -that was way more than I could ever handle.  "We really need to get this professionally painted" has been said by my husband and I many times over the years.  Well this week it's finally happening!!

A few weeks ago I met Marty Cornish, CEO of EasyPaint.  You may remember I mentioned EasyPaint in my post on the DC Design House where they donated their painting services to 11+ rooms.  There work is impeccable and when Marty offered me the opportunity to have a room painted free of charge to try out their service here in the DC area I was in heaven.  Our family room was finally going to get the paint job it's needed all these years.

EasyPaint makes finding a qualified, professional painter in the DC area easy and stress-free. You can request a quote online in 5 minutes. No need to have a parade of contractors coming through your home giving you estimates. EasyPaint crews are certified, licensed, background checked and have at least five years of happy customers.  Your job is covered by insurance and they stand behind the quality of their work.

The process is simple - you use their easy to navigate site and pick the room(s) you want painted
 and upload three pictures.

Here are the three pictures of my family room.  I submitted my request on April 12th and selected the first date available (7 days later) and scheduled it for April 20th at 8am. After confirming the project and providing the standard information, you submit your request for a proposal.  Within 24 hours, you'll have your EasyPaint quote and you can make your decision.  The proposal I received outlined the scope and specifics of the job and let me know it would entail a crew of 3 for 2 days to complete.

Yesterday morning Luis and his crew arrived exactly at 8 am and it's off to a great start!    My next post will be all about my newly painted room!     Here are the colors I've selected:  In the meantime, be sure to check out EasyPaint to get a quote for that room you need painted!

BM Classic Gray
Walls and Ceiling:  BM Classic Gray (eggshell for walls, flat for ceiling)

Trim:  50% formula BM Classic Gray in semi-gloss.  I got this idea from Loi Thai's  post on his house in Castine, Maine where he used this combination in his living room.  

Doors:  BM Chelsea Gray in semi-gloss
BM Chelsea Gray


  1. Michele I am so excited to see how bright and currant your family room is going to look! Great selections!!

    The Arts by Karena

  2. We do love the same colors! I have a big painted swatch of Classic Gray right now sitting on my counter as a possibility for cabinets. THats a great site must check it out!

  3. Great colors! Can't wait to see how it turns out :-)

  4. Sounds great...convenient. I am a not so hot painter too. :)

  5. That's a wonderful room and your paint color will look fabulous in it! What a great service, thanks for the rec.

  6. Lucky you - who wants to tackle 13' ceilings?? Apparently EasyPaint is not set up in all areas of the country at this time; I checked CA and MA. How did you/they estimate the number of gallons to purchase?

  7. Merlyn - Hi. I updated it to note that they are in the DD area for now. In terms of the paint, when they first came they confirmed colors with me and then the head painter went out later that morning to buy the paint while the other two crew members were prepping the walls. It looks beautiful - I'll be posting again on it soon.

  8. What a great space - so big and airy! Can't wait to see - please have me over :) We'll play! xo
