Saturday, April 2, 2016

Life Changes and Surfer Details

I've found that every once and a while a vacation is more than just a diversion but a chance to really "vacate" your life and come back to it with a refreshed perspective.  You may have noticed I haven't posted since March 9th - the longest stretch in my nine years of blogging.  My youngest is a senior in high school and will be headed off to college in the fall.  My husband and I will officially be empty nesters - this split window view from my favorite place on St John (the roofless house on Lameshur Bay)  kinda represents how I feel right now.  In the midst of deciding what I want to focus on and what I want my life to be about.   I've been working on an interesting project that has nothing to do with interior design blogs and I'm hoping to tell you all about it in the next month.

Now, since this blog is about design here are some fun ideas from a new restaurant - The Longboard.   They did a great job of adding in surfer details without being too cutesy.

While you might not suspend a surfboard from the ceiling, papering a bathroom with surfer magazine pages is a fun idea.

Hope you've had a great start to your Spring!


  1. Hi Michele,
    The surfer bath is so fun!
    It was good to see you pop up on my blogroll this morning!
    We all need a break occasionally,(as you know I do it all the time, ha) and a getaway sounds really good right now; especially to St. John. I look forward to hearing about your latest project soon.

    The Arts by Karena
    Featuring Artist Scott McBee

  2. Yes, I did notice! My son is Junior and I still can't imagine life around here without him. :(
    Can't wait to hear what you're up to!

  3. I miss my kids and the youngest just graduated college and has a job... but still calls me every other day...ha! like last night for our Netflix password :)

  4. Hi Michelle, I know what youre going through and still feel the pangs even though my youngest graduated from college in 2010, but left the area this year for grad school in Chicago. There is life after kids, but you will always be MOM, the best job in the world. You will enjoy your adult freedom, possibly 'date' your husband again and chose interests that are your own, not your kids. It is a great time in our lives and I will be close by if you ever need a lunch date, show house tour or chat!
    xo Nancy

  5. Yes spend time with your kids while you can, the blog and us will wait!

  6. Looking forward to see what you are up too. In the meantime, squeeze every moment that you can with your kids while they are still there.

  7. I have 2 more years then its empty nest here too! Cannot wait to here os your new adventure! K
