Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Liquor bottle + Soap PUMP (not pourer) = pretty

I love Bombay Saphire gin bottles. Come to my house and you'll notice them on shelves, on display, etc - just love them. It started me thinking; could I find a useful purpose for them? My husband was against the idea of a glass bottle and pourer for dispensing dishwashing liquid (Martha Stewart's innovation), but since a hand soap pump is meant to be stationary I got the idea to combine a soap pump + gin bottle.The first picture is my second attempt - using the clear plastic pump from Trader Joe's Next to Godliness handsoap. I prefer the label left on because it's so pretty. Here's my first attempt - using the green pump from an old Cucina hand cream dispenser. This is the no label version for those who don't want to be constantly reminded the bottle used to contain gin. Both of the pumps fit perfectly on these screw-top gin bottles.

The tube from the Cucina hand cream was too short. However, you can solve that by adding a plastic straw over the original tube. Works perfectly. I have these shown in my kitchen but they are just as lovely in a master bathroom or powder room (not sure about the glass in a kid's bathroom.) Wouldn't the Bombay Sapphire bottle look beautiful on carrera marble?
Now I'm on the look-out for a pump dispenser for this very pretty Patron Citronge bottle. (Keep in mind the bottle needs to be a screw top style.)
Pairing bottles with pourers is one of Martha Stewart's Favorite It's a Good Thing. Maybe Dan will eventually change his mind...


  1. This is such a brilliant idea! I think this would be great for a guest room bathroom or if you have a B&B. I don't think I'd go through the trouble for my own bathroom potions :)

  2. definitely prefer it without the label (despite the labels being so pretty). Just one drunken night you would hate to make a mistake and end up with dishsoap & tonic! Not even lime could cover that diasaster!

  3. What an awesome idea! I have a ton of bottles around that were just too pretty to throw out but I didnt have a use for yet- this is perfect!!

  4. ArchitectDesign - Your comment is so funny - and true!

    Jen and LindsB - thanks!

  5. Oh what a fun tip! I love the bottle naked as well! Bravo!

  6. I noticed this at your party the other week and meant to tell you what a wonderful idea it is! I also love Bombay Sapphire bottles- the color is fabulous. Thanks for the reminder!

  7. Very good idea. It's always a shame to discard such attractive bottles. Lovely recycling project!

  8. Brilliant, I so need to do this! Have a sweet day! x

  9. Clever gal. That is so handsome and functional. I'll drink to that, although not the soap.



  10. This is a great idea! It really is a pretty bottle. I might have to try it with Chartreuse...not that I can imagine going though a whole bottle of Chartreuse...

  11. Great idea, I have the pour-stopper version, but the pump would help the kids (and husband) with their overly-generous pour (Note to self: must buy liquor with a screwcap).

  12. I love it!
    It it the best idea I have seen in a LONG time- and you know I love an idea like this any day of the week!
    I think that I like the labels on - like I did with my candles to make water glasses.

  13. great idea/find. And a fan of the gin. ;-)

  14. too clever! i love those bombay bottles but cannot drink gin (after one too many one night when i was 21)....

    i wrote about the eddie ross party - posted all the photos in B&W to be different. i can send you all the originals - i have it on my to do list for the weekend or when i get time asap!

    thanks again for the great party michele. i am seriously coming to another one as david wants to do another civil war trip. must make it an annual event haha!

  15. I have a olive oil bottle with blue Dawn in it at my kitchen sink. Have used it for years to avoid bending down to the get soap from sink. I think it is a great idea. I like the way the light sparkles on it. Your mind does go to strange places doing dishes. So agree with AD's comment. Would make real, the drink Gin Fizz.

  16. that's an awesome idea! There's some great bottles out there these days!

  17. Thanks for your comments about my house that My Blue Hydrangea posted on today.

    My family and I lived in DC for 7 great years. I love your town. I worked for the Kellogg Collection while I lived there and did some painted furniture and lamps for them.

    If you every come to Dallas again, look me up. I will take you to my favorite consignment shops and haunts.
    Thanks. Marybeth Reid

  18. What a cool idea - they are very pretty bottles. Soap dispensing is always a challenge for me - may give this a try.

    I hope you drink the gin first. ;)

  19. I think this is a great idea - it's so pretty!

  20. You are too smart! Great idea, will definitely give 'er a try!

  21. Just in time for holiday extreme creativity and gift giving that will blow some minds! And not your budget!


  22. Michele -- you are TOO cool for school. Bravo!!

  23. I love bottles like that and the French Lillet bottles and Pimms and Cinzano. I too am using the Patron Citronge bottle...I like it's Frosted look....Great post!

  24. Good tip! Thank you!
    I have to say that I so enjoyed your post of sunday! Gorgeous pictures! Thank you for sharing dear Michele!


  25. Try the Hendrick's Gin bottle too, It's lovely and old fashioned. And practically indestructible. But it takes a pourer...

  26. Fabulous! I am going to try this with my gorgeous green Midori bottle. Thanks for the inspiration!

  27. I have one of those pourers! for my sink - I love it!!

    and I am a fat pig, who are you kidding?


  28. It is a pretty bottle. I never thought to do something creative with it though! So smart!

  29. What a great idea, btw can i ask you where did you get the green bottle that's sitting on the window sill??? I love the color and the pump style, oh so unique. i have been looking around for it but haven't found one yet...please let me know.

  30. Great idea! I have some really pretty empty liquor bottles that have been given to me. I've made three lamps from the larger ones so far. Trying to sell them on Craigslist.

    Many years ago when my husband and I went on vacation to Blowing Rock, NC, we went to the old country store that's been there for decades. I bought a replication drug store type glass bottle. I keep mineral oil in it to remove eye makeup. It didn't have a top so I just happened to find a glass top that went to a broken bottle I found.

    People don't realize how many neat things can be made from things like liquor bottles and basically, trash.
    I've been scouring around at my local restaurants and such asking them to save bottles for me. Some will, most don't.

    I don't drink so it isn't easy finding bottles. I want to try your idea though and see how it turns out.

    You should make these and sell them.

  31. Very cool idea, never thought of using liquor bottles this way. I usually make my own soap pumps out of ball mason jars. But I think i'll give this a try next. However, i prefer the metal pump tops instead of the plastic ones. A stainless steel top would look beautiful on the Bombay sapphire bottle. There's a site that carries some really nice ones (onedreamdesign.com) I always buy my tops from them.

  32. These are really cute and have inspired me to use some of our old collector Coke bottles from sporting events. I have two questions: 1. Do you ever seal the labels since they are used around water and get gunky? If so what do you use? 2. The coke bottles had the metal top that pops off. Any suggestions for pumps since it won't screw on? THANKS!!!
