Monday, November 30, 2009

Christmas Wreaths & More: Beacon Hill Style

After Christmas last year we went to Boston and I spent a fun afternoon in Beacon Hill photographing Christmas decorations. I especially love these wreaths with the multi-colored ribbons. Look closely through the window and you'll see deer antlers. I have a feeling this home is as stylish inside as out.This would be easy to do - spray paint branches red and place in containers w/moss.

Love this creative peace sign wreath!

Even the post office gets into the act.
More branches - simple and doable.

Love the pattern on the containers outside this venerable home in Louisburg Square. Happy Monday!


  1. What a beautiful and diverse group of decorations. Loved them all! Having a mix of styles in the same location really makes all of them seem even more stunning.

  2. Sometimes simpler is better! I love the natural pine and simplicity of these wreaths!

    The Designer Insider

  3. Beautiful photos and great inspiration for all of us! I will be posting some wreaths from Southampton NY tomorrow that I took this weekend. Hope you will visit.Cheers!

  4. so fun, love Christmas wreaths! Actually tried to make one from some boxwood in my yard this year but did not turn out too well... Hi michelle! I am now hooked into the world of design blogs! Saw your name as Velvet and Linens recent contest judges! I love this world as an escape from my own! maybe someday I'll have a design blog too.
    Lizzy Christian Smith

  5. Thank you for the inspiration. Someday, I will visit Boston......-Delores

  6. What a fun day. Thank you for all the inspiration. One of my most favorite places.

  7. Beautiful decorations you showed here! I would love to create one of this on my own frontdoor!
    Thank you for sharing!


  8. Love this post and Beacon Hill. It is my dream to go from shop to shop on Charles St. I am usually double parked to run into a sandwich shop headed for Logan with brown bag in hand.

  9. Simple but very elegant! My favorite. Thanks for giving me some ideas...

  10. You certainly are wreathed in so many chic holiday ideas for decking the doors, windows and entries!

  11. Lovely doors and windows, bestowed in natural green. Perfect!
    Victoria @ DesignTies

  12. Such beautiful doors!! Beacon Hill is one of the most beautiful places during the holidays- they always go all out :)

  13. is there anything prettier than an evergreen wreath with a bow? I think not!

  14. Just great to see people going to the effort to get into the christmas spirit.thanks for have inspired me to create my own little wreath :) xx

  15. I still have my summer decoration on my front door. Jeepers, better get with the program!!

  16. Thanks for the sidewalk tour of Beacon Hill. It's so fun to get to see the different Christmas trimmings and ideas.

  17. What gorgeous front door pics! Really gets me in the holiday spirit!

  18. Doors and Christmas decorations the gift that keeps on giving. More ideas, visual inspirations are everywhere.

  19. GORGEOUS! I like the first couple of pics....with the pink branches in the pots...Can't wait to try something new this year! :))))))

    Jen Ramos
    'Cards & Prints You'll Love...'

  20. Great photos! You really captured so many inspiring exteriors! One of my favorites things to do is walk around Beacon Hill at any time of year to look at the houses. It's lovely too in summer with fresh flowers in the window boxes. Thanks for sharing!

  21. Love that first wreath of boxwood and ribbon, and I would've had to restrain myself from walking into that obviously-gorgeous home!

  22. i used to live in boston and beacon hill was my favorite part of the city. i lived in the south end which is lovely and historic but there was always something really amazing about beacon hill... thank you for this wonderful charming post... x pam

  23. Oh wow! I just moved to Boston this past Jan and last week I finally walked through Beacon Hill and photographed the area. Now I MUST go back and take a look at all the Christmas decorations.

    You took beautiful shots!

  24. This post is reinforcing my want (need?) to paint my front door black.

  25. love these photos - beacon hill a favorite of mine - always wanted to live there...but alas nyc was my destination. i think i might copy the satin ribbon strands

  26. Wonderful inspiration oozing with warmth and holiday spirit. I love the last wreath and am feeling now it might be time to be motivated to put one up. Looks like it was a beautiful day to walk around admire it all, thank you for sharing. xo

  27. I think I need to use more of my ribbon outside, thank you for the visit and I will be back peeking into Notting Hill.
