Here is the future I imagine: A network of private interior design "Magazine Libraries" where you knock on a door, pay your entrance fee, and are handed your white gloves. You then sit and read as many issues as possible before your "admission time" has expired. These relics of the past - paper magazines - are treasured...
Bleak, I know, but I'm not going to recycle anymore of my magazines. I will be hoarding...
Its very sad to constantly hear news like this!
I have kept all my magazines!
You're right ... they will be collectors items!
I was just wondering if magazines as we know them are dying (seems they are). Hopefully the remaining magazines can examine and redefine their existing business models and stay open! I think at this point subscribers wouldn't mind paying more -at least the 'newstand' price. I've been trying to be more proactive and buy more magazines while at the grocery store. I've heard that those #'s matter more than subscribers to advertisers.
Oh man, this is so sad...I just ordered Elle Decor and House Beautiful for $8.00 bucks for 12 issues...Let's see if they make it...
No, I hadn't heard. I'm a current subscriber, and although it's not my favorite shelter mag, the news saddens me.
Hello, I´m so sad to hear this, I have some issues from this magazine, but really when Victoria magazine closed up I rally was in cry... now it has returned, hope Metropolitan would return also.
María Cecilia
Stephen, I've been doing the same...trying to buy more at the news stand because I heard the same thing about the circulation numbers.
I'm terrible...when I moved, my full set of Domino's got strapped in the front seat of my car and driven over separately!
Such a shame that so many magazine have gon away. I love all of mine and am already hoarding them. They will become even more of a treasure. Hugs, Marty
EEeeek...I'm in shock...it's one I don't think I gan go without...:( so sad.
I agree with AD, I would pay more just to have the mag.
I've always been to disorganized to subscrib...so I've always bought at the grocery store...good to know I have helped !! lol
I go back quite a ways with my old magazines and you can bet I will hold on to every one!
I am increasingly grateful that I have saved so many! Should I insure them, do you think??
sheesh, and just when I got rid of quite a few issues of old magazines. Yikes, is everyone closing? I will sign up for that magazine Library card!
So true, so sad.
I am sick. I have a cute young friend who has been working there. She moved to NYC from Fredericksburg - (you can imagine that, Michele, you've seen this litle ol' town!) - after college, and worked her way up to this great magazine. For contemporary interiors and architecture, it has been one of my favorites.
Oh man...I just hauled off boxes (note the S) to the library. And most were either bought at the grocery line...or I grabbed them from the library for free.
Sad. Dropping like flies. No like.
really?? ugh, first domino, now this :(
As we say in England. "I am gob-smacked". I am so sad. I really look forward to my design subscriptions - they are getting fewer and fewer.... very sad!
I think you are on to something, Michele. It's disappointing to see so many magazines folding these days.
AD - Think you're right that may need to increase the newstand price like the European magazines
PTE - Fun comment on insuring them - I think you could be right!
HCHG - Sorry to hear about the impact on your friend.
Thanks everyone for all the comments! Michele
Glad I have got all of mine still....cluttering up every surface! xv
So sad! Have a sweet day!
I'm just catching up on my blog reading and probably the last to hear this news. Times are changing and hopefully the remaining publications will learn to adapt and thrive. Janell
i wish i had kept all of methomes that i recently recycled. if only i knew...
I am so sad! I have subscribed to Metropolitan Home and Elle Decor for many, many years. It is extremely disappointing to find out because I just renewed my subscription less than 2 months ago. From here it costs close to $100 for one year and I pay it gladly because I love the mag. But at this point I might not renew Elle Decor in December as it is probably next. Stephen, you may have a point. I wish they would tell consumers what needs to be done and go ahead and change the structure.
I just ordered Elle Decor and House Beautiful for $8.00 bucks for 12 issues Work from home India
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