In 2011 Darryl Carter teamed with Benjamin Moore to introduce a curated color palette grouped into six families - white, gray-green, blue, khaki, greige and accent. The collection has grown to 48 colors and is prominently featured in his newest book, The Collected Home: Rooms with Style, Grace, and History
However, when I headed to my local Benjamin Moore store I couldn't locate the paints by their Darryl Carter names which all end with a DC code. Luckily they had one pamphlet in the back and let me borrow the store copy to "translate" the DC (Darryl Carter) codes to BM codes for future, easy reference. As you can see above, Darryl Carter's Georgetown Blue DC-31 is Woodlawn Blue HC 147 in Benjamin Moore's parallel universe.
Moonlight White 2143-60 (and OC 125), a long time Carter favorite, is Huntington White DC-02.
Tamarack Gray DC-45 is aka Whale Gray 2134-40 and Bullock Gray is DC-46 is Anchor Gray 2126-30.
I don't think you could ever go wrong with a Darryl Carter color. So, since it's a holiday and I have a little bit of time on my hands , here's the complete list if you're interested.
barcraft white DC-01 = 2143-70
huntington white DC-02 = OC-125
bonifant white DC-03 = White
crestridge white DC-04 = Decorator's White
somerset white DC-05 = OC-63
doque gray DC-06 = 2137-70
sheridan gray DC-07 = OC-52
ashmead gray DC-08 = OC-56
willard white DC-09 = 2122-70
grantham blue DC-10 = 2122-60
albemarle blue DC-11 = 2131-70
dalton blue DC-12 = 2131-60
mayfair white DC-13 = 2144-60
ellsworth khaki DC-14 = OC-48
stratton khaki DC-15 = HC-99
wythe khaki DC-16 = HC-102
tennyson white DC-17 = OC-22
falls white DC-18 = 2108-70
broxburn greige DC-19 = 2108-60
asford greige DC-20 = 2108-50
pinecrest gray DC-21 = AC-27
phelps black DC-22 = 2132-10
marbury brown DC-23 = 2112-20
bayard blue DC-24 = 2129-30
leland white DC-25 = 2125-70
belmont gray DC-26 = 2128-70
delafield gray DC-27 = 2120-70
ashby blue DC-28 = 2128-60
dumbarton white DC-29 = 2123-70
whitehaven blue DC-30 = 2139-70
georgetown blue DC-31 = HC-147
drummond blue DC-32 = HC-146
cameron green DC-33 = 2145-60
linnean green DC-34 = 2144-50
clarendon green DC-35 = 2142-60
denton gray DC-36 = 2141-50
hanover white DC-37 = OC-45
fenwick white DC-38 = OC-41
grafton brown DC-39 = AC-1
brookdale brown DC-40 = HC-82
decatur white DC-41 = 2144-70
essex yellow DC-42 = 2149-70
blagdon yellow DC-43 = 2149-60
dunmore yellow DC-44 = 2149-50
tamarack gray DC-45 = 2134-40
bullock gray DC-46 = 2126-30
chase green DC-47 = 2135-20
vinton brown DC-48 = 2134-30
**I've received a few emails from readers asking about the type of BM paint. My BM store told me it can be done in any of the BM paint types while other stores have said to use the AURA base. Just mentioning that so you'll have this info when you make your choice.
Oh, thanks for sharing that with us! It should make it a lot easier now!
Thanks for doing the sleuthing for us. That is frustrating that the names and numbers are not consistent.
You're a goddess. I am getting the book for Christmas (I always put a few on my list) and would have been annoyed as I am sure they don't have this code translation list in my local store.
Thanks for the legwork! Terri
I am bookmarking this, Michele! Thank you!
This reminds me that I have a coupon for 2 pints of BM paint!
Happy Monday.
Thanks Michele such great colors. Another ex of how life can be so much simpler than it is!
Art by Karena
This is GREAT!! Like Terri above, I plan to put Darryl's book on my Christmas list! At the moment, he is my favorite designer --the one that I would use if I had the budget. Love his curated look and now that I am an empty nester, it feels more doable than when mine was a "family home," ie filled with my kids stuff every day no matter how hard we tried.
Thank you for taking the time to share this amazing list!!!
OMG, you rock!
Now why would they do it that way? Why not just have him put these palettes together with the names they already have. Seems a little silly. In any case, I have used and love many of them!
Thank you so much....what a ton of work but so appreciated by so many people!
I love his subtle colors too
best, Kelley
you are a dream
Thank you! I painted my bedroom Woodlawn Blue years ago after seeing DC's kitchen, and I have loved it. Best wishes!
Wow. Just wow. Looks like DC's selection includes all my favorite BM colors. Can't thank you enough for the translation, Michelle!
Thank you !!! I also have that Carter Brochure and my paint store could not figure it out either!! This is wonderful, great job!
Thank you so much for your comment on my post of today! Hope you are well! I should visit you more often! Isn't there a 'subscribe by email' button on your blogpage?
Girl you are awesome for taking the time to do that!!!!!
YESSSSSS! My local Ben Moore store had no idea what I was talking about. A thousand thank yous.
Phenomenal...keeping this list, thank you dear one.
xo Nancy
I'm printing this for future reference! Thank you for sharing -- I know that was time consuming! crack me up!!! This is an incredible list.
Darryl's new book arrived while the power was still out and I just haven't had a chance to sit down and savor it. You've gotten me excited to find some quiet time to take it all in.
xoxo Elizabeth
You are WONDERFUL and GENEROUS to have done this! Huge, endless thanks. I called Benj Moore a few days ago and they sent me what I was told was their last brochure, but then...who knew what was what? This is the Rosetta Stone we all need. Thank you, thank you, thank you! You have done a great good deed for all your fellow DC fans. And now we're all fans of yours, too.
Please note that the "DC" colors work only with Aura. If you get any DC color in any other BM formula the color will be not be the same. I had half my bathroom painted in Gray Owl Regal Select and I got a second gallon in Sheridan Gray in Regal Select to finish it and the color was darker. The bases are different, as a base Aura has more white. Anyway, if you are using any other formula than Aura then use the BM number that correspond to the DC number. Thanks for doing all the leg work.
Yeah, they were discontinued. :[ Thanks for the info. very useful!
These colors are all fab, thank you! I got the last pamphlet at my local store- my question is- to achieve his shade or color we should use aura? Then I guess these are slightly off if I were to use regel? Good to know!
This is fantastic- and I will definitely use Aura! Woohoo!
Thank you!! I think this is a terrific tool for me selecting color- thanks for the translation plus the added advice that the 'real' color will be achieved using Aura base rather than Regal Select. I'm all about educating clients on the beauty and saturation levels achieved using BM paint. I never even attempt to 'color' match with less expensive companies- seriously, the paint color won't be the same- thanks again!
MIchele, Woodlawn Blue is my favorite BM color. I have it in my living room and also my master bath. I love the way it changes through the day. It pairs so well with Sherwin Williams Greek Villa white as a trim. My friend Garrison Hullinger uses this color in his designs a lot. Glad to see you cracked the color codes!
Your color-code cracking is a great gift to us all! Many thanks.
I can't tell you how many times I've come back to refer to this. Thank you for putting it on your side bar!
Bless you!
Bless you!
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