Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The Latest from Tommy Smythe

There's a great feature on Tommy Smythe's interior design of an uptown condo in December's House & Home.  Along with fellow colleagues Lindsey Levy and Lindsay Mens Craig of Sarah Richardson Design, Smythe created a chic, comfortable space with French, English and what he referred to as "frontier" influences.  It alls adds up to gorgeous decor.  (photography by Michael Graydon)

On another note, I finally figured out how to put a Pin It button on my images!  Check out my pinterest boards if you're interested.


  1. i'm your newest pinterest follower. i need to figure out how to get the pin button on my blog, too, and i like how it doesn't show up in the middle of your images.

    tommy did it right, no? especially the brown touches against that gray grasscloth wall. wowsa...


  2. I've long been a fan of Tommy's work. This is much more grand than anything I've seen him do before but I still love it.

  3. I love Tommy so. Do you follow him on Instagram? Great stuff. He is awesome.

  4. He is exceptionally talented. I love the quiet layers and sophistication of these rooms. Gorgeous!!!

  5. Hi Michele,

    Beautiful rooms, Bravo Tommy! I,love those chest in the Living Room and the lighting!

    The Arts by Karena

  6. I enjoyed this spread when I got my issue too. Thanks for sharing it here for all the poor deprived souls in your country who don't subscribe to our best decor rag. I've had a major Tommy crush for a long time. His style is perfect - classic, layered, historical, masculine, elegant, whimsical. He somehow does it all. That living room is insane.
    xo Terri

  7. I love Tommy! Equally impressive, is that you put your own P on the pictures. I don't know how to do any of that.

  8. Love Tommy. Always thought he was so funny on Sarah's show.. Will check out your boards. The new pin features really make it easy!

