Wednesday, December 10, 2014

House & Home on Instagram

Sure, it's fun to follow people on instagram but how about your favorite magazine.  I like heading over to House & Home's instagram every week for a booster shot between magazine issues.  Hope you're having a great Wednesday.


  1. Oooh, nice inspiration. Thanks for the link.

  2. House & Home is great and I have loved seeing all of the inspiring mages on instagram! You're right - great boosters!!
    xo. Leslie
    Segreto Finishes

  3. Oh I need another distraction!! Love House and Home!!! Pass on more suggestions!

  4. Oh I'm for sure adding them! Thanks for the tip. I love that magazine.

  5. Those pins look great! I really like that you chose to paint the whole house white. It makes the whole interior look immaculately clean and organized, not to mention that the color scheme itself creates a comfortable and homey atmosphere. Thanks for sharing!

    Justin Garrett @ Buzz Homes
