Saturday, April 18, 2015

FREE Audubon Prints - high res

Thanks to the John James Audubon Center we can now download high resolution Audubon's Birds of America prints for FREE!!  You can search the 435 life-sized watercolors either alphabetically or chronologically here.  I've downloaded a few of my favorites  and will be uploading them to a service like Shutterfly or Spoonflower to print.

One you find the bird you want, click on the bird and then swipe to reveal the icon where you can download the high resolution file.  I only mention this because it took me a while to figure that out!

The great part of being able to download these images it that you can then crop it if you only want part of the print. 


  1. Thank you very much for sharing the link and info. I will definitely be surfing around to get some images to play with ... or just browse and admire them. This is so cool!

  2. So cool and budget friendly :) LOVE it!! I want to print a few for our place in Maine. Maybe even a whole wall. Thanks for sharing, Michele

  3. How awesome is that?!! Thank you for posting. I now have another project to work on;)

  4. Michele, I have always admired the astonishing Audubon prints and this is truly a gift to the entire world!!

    The Arts by Karena

  5. Very cool! Thanks for the information! Have a great Sunday!

  6. These are wonderful !
    I have a few bird prints that we bought in London and I think they might like it if they had some company. I have to go look at the link ~

  7. Thanks so much for sharing these Michele, that's so sweet of you! They're great!

  8. Thanks for sharing! I love Loi's idea of printing a wall-full of them!

  9. This is great to know about. Thanks for posting.

  10. No way! This is awesome! Thanks for sharing!

  11. I can not figure out how to download the birds !!!!
