Location, location, location. When you're in LA do you think of Pasadena? Next time I'm in LA I will. I received an email from Angela Lee of
Bonita Interiors (upstairs in The Pasadena Antique Center) wondering if I might be able to stop by while I was in LA. Unfortunately I couldn't but I asked her to email some photos - turns out her store is full of terrific upcycled vintage pieces.
I happened to mention I loved one of the chairs pictured below (for reasons of discretion I won't say exactly which one.)
Well interestingly enough, it was purchased by a well known designer for $400 and is now on 1st dibs for $2000+. A good reminder that there are great pieces in vintage/consignment stores and that finding them as close to the source is best.

Love both these bureaus! The chair to the right looks like it's upholstered in Imperial Trellis fabric . Also love the two framed block prints below.

The other day I mentioned the desk from Ruff & Ready - courtesy of
Domicidal Maniac's great eye. Below is a stainless steel and brass
Neoclassical coffee table I bought at an estate sale for $5!! Yes, I'll need to replace the glass and polish off the rust but for $5 I was over the moon.
The red lampshade is from the side of the road. I'm in the process of painting it as it gives off a crazy orange glow. The shade is on an armless 2 seat sofa I bought for $425 from
Capital Consignment in Bethesda, MD. It has down filled cushions and was the exact size I was looking for. It's in pristine condition but the yellow doesn't work in the room so I'm planning to slipcover it in white linen. Hopefully soon...
What are you currently upcycling?
Thank you so much for your post. It means a great deal to me and I can't thank you enough, especially in this economy. I do hope you visit next time you are in LA and perhaps I will see you, (hubby is from D.C. and mother in law is in Congress) so we are there quite frequently. Anyway. Thanks again!!!!!
I love the upcycling post...also love to recreate furniture / and decorative items for the home...just another way to reconnect to repurposing items!
Everything is lovely
have a nice weekend
When I moved back to the States and had NOTHING!!!! I haunted the thrift shops, consignments and yard sales. I furnished my whole small house with my finds. Craigslist was another good resource. I found a two-year old Ethan Allen sofa that didn't fit in someone's house, and since it was still on the truck, they delivered it to mine.
Hi, I'm Camille and I live in East Poland. I'm going to move to my new home soon and I want to tell you that your blog is the grat inspiration to me. Thank you fo that :). I will be watching this lovely 'web place' as long as it possible.
I have seen Angela's space and I have to tell you she has some of the best inventory around. I usually shop on the west side, but the prices have been killing me (and my clients). Her store is beyond reasonable and I'm not sure how she does it. On top of that I've met her and she's nice! What a concept!
I've always wanted to go to capital consignment, heard great things, but it seems like such a HAUL out there -is it worth it? LOVE that coffee table! WHAT a find!
I recently found a great vintage signed Baker slipper chair for $150. I had it reupholstered in a gorgeous high end fabric and it is wonderful. I have also found two beautiful oil paintings recently at my local thrift store. One even has a beautiful antique frame in gorgeous condition. I also still find great things on eBay. I can't wait to see how your desk comes out.
Fabulous finds. The coffee table is a winner. What am I upcycling. Why everything of course.
wow - I am so inspired by treasure hunters.. My neighbour bought a 5 dollar signed painting, that was apprasied at $500.00. One day I too will find my treasure
I love the concept of UP cycling..
What wonderful finds! I am upcycling all the time, or planning to. I have a chair that needs reupholstered and another that needs a slipcover. Then a bedroom that needs decorated and i just don't feel like spending a lot. We don't have as many treasures here. I think it will kill me when I come to the US and we happen upon some wonderful things - of course, I can always ship! Much easier than getting stuff home from France!
Love that coffee table. $5 - are you kidding??!!!
Clever shopper!
Thank you for the reminder.
I really should take the 45 minute drive to Pasadena more often!
I just finished reupholstering a side chair I had, and now I'm working on finding my next project, maybe another chair. Upcycling is great!
you certain;y have an eye.
i am looking forward to the finished products in their new rooms.
Love your post! I refreshen vintage items...and love it! It is so fun to see what these vintage finds can look like with just a little work!
Oh, I have a very similar coffee table "find" as you...but mine is wrought iron...and yes I also found it for $5 at a yard sale! Take care, Caroline
Love your finds! I got for free a vintage bamboo lamp this weekend at an estate sale. The owner or possibly daughter of told me to take it because it was so Brady Bunch. I came home and found it on a very upscale Atlanta store website for $895. Mine of course did not have the lampshade but I am still very excited with my find for upcycling.
The freebies we received from Grandparent's attic - my (now famous) wink, wink! turquoise bureau is part of that set.
These upcycled goodies are making me drool!
My hubby is off for a few days and he will be upcycling with me....installing a ceiling fan on the screened in porch and various other odd jobs. We really love "antiquing' and then saying how "I found it first!' That coffee table is wonderful....
Yes, I am a massive fan of upcycling and have been for years...craigslist, second hand stores, flea markets and even trash day, I LOVE it all! And I always enjoy to see what others have found as well...awesome coffee table and for $5, amazing!
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