Oyster sticks - used to cultivate farm raised oysters are now showing up recyled into furniture and accessories. I first noticed oyster stick furniture in this
restful living room designed by Erin Martin and
featured in House Beautiful (photography by Luca Trovato)
So here's my question - Do You Like The Look of Oyster Stick? On the one hand, it's very eco-friendly but every time I look at it, it makes me think of pock marks. Is it just me or do you like the look...?
I like it for maybe one piece, not a bunch of pieces together. It reminds me of the ostrich skin that was so big in the 80's (I think).
I can see one piece or an accent piece not an entire room or a large wall with oyster stick paneling, unless it was accented with a simple accessories & color then maybe.
I love the recycling/re purposing concept as well as its crusty nature. One piece goes a long way, no need to invest in a collection of oyster stick furnishings. Isn't Erin Martin the best?! I love how cheeky her work is. Thanks and Happy holidays!
I do love the coctail table in Erin Martin's room it really is a brilliant addition.
I'm not so crazy about the lamps and mirrors but there is something about that large chandi that is calling me!
Great post you've shown me something I'd not noticed before, thank you!
Hmmm... I appreciate it, but don't think I'll be bringing into my home. I think it is something I would quickly tire of.
i agree...one piece is okay
i agree...one piece is okay
I think it's interesting...I like the texture of it. That said,I would never use or spec it myself!
Hi Michele,
A few years ago here in Belgium it was a real trend to have oyster stick decoration. I have to say that I like it but not more of one piece in a room! Other wise it seems "too much"!
Happy New Year Michele and thanks again for your nice post about me a few months ago! It meant so much to me!!!
A big hug,
You know, I like it! A little goes a long way . . . same thing with other highly defined recycled materials (i.e. pine beetle kill). Thanks for the introduction. I'll probably see it everywhere now. Happy New Year! -susan
Hmmmmm, not so much......Like that it is recycled and repurposed. But, I'm just not sold yet. --Delores
Sort of gives me the creeps!? ... but yay for recycling and yay for those who like it! A-M xx
I think it's spectacularly beautiful!
Maybe just the coffee table but that chandelier - sad.
I love oysters to eat!!!
not loving it.....maybe the lamp but that would be it for me :)
Not a fan myself. Although I love the recycled timber look. What doesn't work for me is the size of the "pock" It's too perfect. All the same spacing and diameter.
The coffee table seems like a different quality.
Over all, not a huge fan.
I love it... like that it's recycled too... great find.
Hmmmm. I would say I like it "medium rare". Maybe a piece...the right one.
I dunno If I like the idea of sticks cultivating oysters period. Like my seafood wild...thanky very much.
But....a New year full of peace and love and health to you!
I have so enjoyed reading and learning from your wonderful blog this year. Thank you. :)
I like the idea as a lamp or maybe legs on a coffee table, but that's about it for me. Once something is used to make chandeliers, it seems over done in my opinion.
Best wishes for the New Year, Michele!
I would say a piece- an accent piece. Some pull it off better than others. For example, love the lamp hate the mirror. But perfect for gifts for some sea lovers!
Hmmmm....really not loving it at all.
Being from the shores of the Chesapeake Bay, I'd say yes, especially if I had a house on the Eastern Shore!
Happy New Year!
Lovin' the oyster stick!
I am sure that oyster fishermen (or harvesters?) must be laughing their heads off with yuppies buying all their junk. I can't see a repurposed lobster trap holding much cachet in a slick urban space, and oyster sticks don't do it for me either. Just a silly yuppy decor idea gone bad. Maybe they have some rustic charm, but I find them to not be very attractive (sorry!). Let's face it, this is really junk. Ok, so it is "repurposed" wood but it is not worth what is being charged!
great post michele
i do love them. have you seen them in person? the color and textures are beautiful. i had bought a dozen, long sticks only, for my shop....interesting effect protruding from a large canister.
happy new year!
Maybe on a porch at my beach house...if I had a beach house....
Dear Michele,
I hope you have a wonderfull new year! With lots of joy,peace and harmony.
As a fan of recycled/re-purposed furniture I think these pieces are great! Like many before me shared, I too think a little would go a long way in a room. Thanks for sharing!
ooh i really like it & hadn't noticed it before your post! :)
I think it's beautiful in the right space. Anything reused gets me excited and I love the gray...
Hapopy New Year & big hug to you Michele!!! So glad to you have met you - you're so kind & go out of your way for others & we appreciate it so much--- & here's to 2010!!
I agree with you - the patina doesn't attract me and it's not something I'd want to live with, but I like the idea!
Well, after much thought...I'm not especially lovin' it! Seems a little too perfect (even spacing, etc.) to be natural.
I do however, love the actual oyster shell on a chandelier, or a mirror.
Hi: I do not like the way it looks at all. It looks like the piece is sick. Sorry. Have a great New Year's Day! Blessings, Martha
Hmmm NOT really me... or my clients. I feel I woul dlike to pick at it. LOL Hope you had a Happy New Year... 2010 is going to be a great year! Loveyour BLOG! Thanks for sharing!!!
Hmmmm . . . I can't decide. Maybe a small dose of it? Happy new year!
Well it's recycling and i like the idea of changing a use of an object.
I would say yes as long as you don't do the whole room :-)
I am not really a fan, but I will remember first seeing it on your blog! Who knows, it might be the next big thing!
Very funky.....but not sure I would want any of it! All the best,Chrissy
I hadn't seen the coffee table before. Very nice.
I have to agree with many of the other comments, I think I would only use oyster sticks in small doses.
It does add great texture to a room.
Only in a beach house for me and I agree only in small doses even there.
I don't know if I really love it.
I think the oyster stick furniture is ugly.The charm of wood is gone.
No. Really? The stain, on a not-at-all-special piece of wood, is from an oyster? WHY??? What's next - - chicken coops??
i like it.
i like it a lot!!
xxx happy new year!!
Yikes! I fear that someday we'll look back on oyster stick furniture as the equivalent of the wagon wheel chandelier! Maybe 1 table in a very very rustic setting...but no lighting. Def. not. Thanks for the trend alert, though, Michele!
Thanks for all these comments - this is one of my biggest posts in a long time. It looks like a 3 way split - No, Yes and Maybe one piece or so!
I love it.
I choose yes lol
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