Sunday, January 3, 2010

Changes in 2010

I have been caught in a time warp as 2009 ended and 2010 began. As my husband reminded me today, I haven't been out of the house in 4 days. All good things - reading, hot chocolate, watching movies with the kids but still...I've felt suspended in time.

This picture of my dining room was taken last year, January 2009. 12 months later and the only thing that is the same is the yellow wall color (bright, I know). My grandmother's dining room table is in the basement, the shutters from my husband's family home are in the next room, the Pottery Barn chandelier replaced, and new baseboards have been installed.

However, it still needs help and I'm not quite sure what I'll do. Next post I'll show the current state, maybe you can give me some insights?

Sensing my angst, my husband wrote me a poem. Check out the last line - he really knows me!

Spaces by Dan Carroll

We live in spaces
Soft Warm Bold
Something makes us long
For spaces we know.
The things we remember
The tray on the table
The knob on the door
These things that we use
And love and adore.
If I could live in the perfect of places
With all of my friends I remember their faces
It would be a place where I’d love to stay
As long as I could change it 3 times a day.


Porchlight Interiors said...

What a talented and insightful husband you have! Looking forward to seeing your dining room now! Tracey xx

Pigtown*Design said...

New decade, new things happening! Great poem.


Rachel said...

Dan's poem made me laugh out loud. Can't wait to see the current dining room.

Beth Connolly said...

The poem was adorable and can't wait to see this project unfold. Happy New Year.

Chic Coles said...

What a cute poem! Can't wait to see what the dining room looks like now!

Anna White said...

hahaha ..that is such a clever and witty poem..and seems he knows you too well.
Look forward to sharing some inspirational idea for this space x

Greet Lefèvre said...

Your husband is so talented! What a wonderful poeme! And he knows that you are also talented in decorating your home!Looking forward to see the picture in your next post!

Traditions By The Seasons said...

What a wonderful poem your hubby wrote. I had to laugh at the last sentence, because I change my furniture around all of the time. I can't wait to see what changes you've made.

Liz =)

Southern Aspirations said...

such a cute, sweet, and good poem. Looking forward to seeing the dining room transformation! It's on my list for 2010.

Red Door Home said...

Looking forward to seeing the dining room updates. The poem was perfect! What a wonderful gift from your husband.

bluehydrangea said...

Your husband is too cute!! Love his poem!!

Karena said...

Wonderful pieces to lay the groundwork. Some thoughts. Chairs backed in a fabulous pattern.A great area rug, contemporary art to set off the traditional.

My Galveston Cottage said...

Enjoy your time warp as long as you can; that's what I say. Happy New Year. cheers-s

Lauren said...

hahaha so true! can't wait to see!!


Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Great poem, how cute. I look forward to what changes you make. Hugs, marty

Haven on Hanover said...

Only three times a day?

Can't wait to see what you're doing in there.

Blue Muse said...

Only three times? hee! What a fun husband! I can't wait to see what you've done with your room.
Happy New Year!
xo Isa

emily said...

so cute.

can't wait to see how your dining room turns out. I've been struggling lately with what to put on my dining room table when we are not entertaining. Do you set it? Leave it empty? Put a centerpiece up?

Looking forward to see what you do.

Liza said...

Cute poem! Can't wait to see the current pic. P.S. Knotting Hill is one of my favorite Hugh Grant movies!

Unknown said...

That's a great way to start the new decade through reflection and action. It will be a new adventure and that's what 2010 is all about. This will be fun!

Jennifer said...

Can't wait to see what you've got up your sleeve. And love the poem! The last line made me laugh out loud.

Christine said...

He's good! I can't wait to see what you've done because I'm desperate to makeover my dining room. I've decided on horizontal wide stripes and (I think) settled on the colors, but need to work out the other details and stay within my tight budget. Here's hoping :)

Boxwood Terrace said...

What a fun poem! I'm sure a lot of husbands/SOs can relate to that. Looking forward to see more photos of your dining room.


Socially Savvy said...

Creative poem by your husband - thank you for sharing. Looking forward to seeing your dining room. xojoy

Unknown said...

a poetic husband- lucky you!

can't wait to see the recommendations for your dining room.

Annie, bossy color said...

You know *I'll* always support change in your own house! I have an April deadline for my LR - can't wait to see the recent pic of your DR and try to crack the code with you!

Happy New Year, by the way. xox

Gwen Driscoll said...


Love the poem. Can't wait to see your next pic. Hope all is well. I'm sure you deserved your 4 day break. Happy New Year!


tarheel said...

clever husband!!

Hill Country House Girl said...

Love it. What a precious husband. Of course, all your blogging friends are not surprised one bit by the last line - don't we all have the same disease? Can't wait to see your next post.


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