Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Graduation Day & Meeting a Congressman

This is one of those posts that's more about recording what's happening in my life than about design - although there are some pics from inside the Rayburn House Office Building at the end. My oldest, Ryan, graduated last Wednesday at DAR Constitution Hall and it really was one of the best days ever. My husband is in a robe since he's a physics teacher at Yorktown High School.
As class president, Ryan gave one of the speeches - weaving in quotes from Lord of the Rings and the analogy of crabs in a basket - not letting others bring you down and pull you back from your dreams. It was really well received and I couldn't have been happier for him.
happy parents
Earlier that same morning Ryan went to the Congressional Arts Award Ceremony and had a chance to meet Congressman Jim Moran (VA-8), who took time to chat with Ryan and was so nice and supportive of him.
Now for the design part. Of course I couldn't resist snapping a few shots of the eagle sconce, these gorgeous stairs and...
this amazing pendant light.


  1. Michele Congratulations to your son, a great accomplishment and a very special day indeed! The speech your husband gave sounds wonderful! A very good looking and smart family!!

    Art by Karena

  2. Hello Michelle,

    A delightful post and our best wishes to Ryan. You all look beautiful and to think you are intelligent to boot!!

    Thanks for sharing a memorable day in your life

    Helen xx

  3. Michele,
    Congratulations to you and to your charming son.
    What a great head on his shoulders! Love that he gave a speech and has the memories of this fine day and all his achievements. I know he will continue to make you a very proud parent.

  4. Congrats to your soon! I spent a year in high school as a House Page and have every inch of those buildings memorized. Love seeing your pics!

  5. Congratulations to your son, Michele. It is obvious he is a class act. I think they should give a parents a diploma too, lol!
    I know that you are proud of your son and his accomplishments.
    Amazing images of the stairwell. It is designed.
    Just the word "physics" brings back panic attacks, haha!
    You deserve a break today.
    Happy Wednesday.

  6. If Ryan were a crab climbing from a bucket, instead of pulling him down, the other crabs would follow. Terrific speech. Ceremony highlight.

  7. Congrats -no wonder you are so proud!

  8. Congratulations to your son!

    That pendant light is FANTASTIC.

  9. Congratulations to you and your son! How memorable to be a speaker at his graduation.


  10. Please pass along my congratulations!

  11. What a terrific post and congrats to you and your adorable family! xx

  12. Delighted for you and your family!

  13. michelle, this post warmed my heart... i love family life and it is so evident you have a truly special one... xx

  14. michelle, what a wonderful day. I know you will have such a full heart for many days to come thinking about this milestone. he'
    s got great things to you! donna

  15. oh my goodness michele!!!! i can't believe your baby's going off to college!!! time flies. i'm sure seeing him speak was so special for you & dan. what an accomplishment. cant wait to catch up and hear more.

  16. Congratulations to Ryan and all of you. This is such a proud moment, worthy of sharing with all of us! Best of luck to him in the future ahead.

  17. Hello MIchelle,

    Congratulations to your lovely son... and what a wonderful day you must have had... I can imagine how proud you are... xv

  18. A huge congrats to you and your son!!! I know you are pleased and proud!

  19. omg! he is soooo adorable! wish we lived close - we could get those two together. actually elisabeth goes to lynn u. in boca. it's not an art school, i wish it was. it is just a small private college that caters to people like her (non students) haha. i'm so glad that you listened to your son and let him chase his dreams. he must be very confident having parents like you that encourage rather than discourage. and president? wow. he must be smart!!!! you made me feel so good with what you said. i feel like crying.


  20. Just catching up.....happy summer, yay for renovations and congratulations on your beyond adorable son! I know my little guys will be leaving the nest before I can blink. So, trying to soak it all up now.

    You and your husband should feel so proud of the results of your parenting!!!

    xoxo Elizabeth
