Friday, August 29, 2014

Hate It When This Happens

Don't you hate it when you buy something and then a few months later find something you like better at pretty much the same price?  That's how I feel about the new Admiral Pendant Lantern from Wisteria.  If only I procrastinated a few more months I could have had this!

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  1. I resemble that remark. I'm gonna say that is the reason I wait FOREVER to pull the trigger on some purchases.

  2. thats the problem -there is always something else out there -makes you wish you had 3 or 4 houses (and a bigger wallet) -haha!!!!

  3. Yup that happens, how about listing it on eBay and hopefully a bidding war may happen. But of course put a reserve on it.

  4. Love that!! But I bet yours is just as wonderful!!

  5. I LOVE IT, and know how you feel! sorry you have regrets! Have a great Labor Day weekend. xo Nancy

  6. Oh the same thing has happened to me so many times! The lantern is gorgeous. Perhaps you can move the other one to a different room?

  7. UGH, this happens to me all the time! Love this lantern.
