Monday, September 1, 2014

Labor Day Reward: Recovered Chairs

Hey, we all like getting paid for our labor but sometimes not having to pay someone is a an equally good reward.   My cousin and his wife were downsizing and no longer wanted my grandmother's chairs.  There are 5 side chairs and 1 arm chair (my grandmother was frugal and reasoned only my grandfather needed a dining chair with arms)

 Underneath my cousin's russet colored paisley was a blue damask and alot of staples :)

I recovered the 5 chairs with a piece of remnant Greek Key stripe I found at Haute.  There was just enough! (The arm chair will need to be covered in something else)

Happy Labor Day!


  1. I see many sets like that with just one arm chair! The Greek key looks great ....have a great Labor Day:)

  2. Looks wonderful, I had to smile about your Grandmother being frugal ... I think we all can relate to that mindset of Grandparents! Your labor is rewarded with pretty upholstered chairs so relax and enjoy today.

  3. Your new old chairs are wonderful, especially with such special memories of your family. Now I know why many sets have just one arm chair! Have a great Labor Day xx

  4. Great chairs, cool fabric! Happy Labor Day. I've been painting away...

  5. The Greek key looks gorgeous with the shield back! Please come help me cover our chairs at the shop!! Happy Labor Day :)

  6. I'm so glad you got these! I've been eyeballing a similar pair at a local store but they only have one arm chair. The new seat cushions look fab!

  7. Love the fabric you used and the frugal story. So funny.

  8. Love the fabric! Isn't that pretty standard though to have only 1 armchair? I think thats how my parents and grandparents sets are (as well as my own)

  9. That fabric is the perfect complement to the classic lyre back. Love them!

  10. Great new look. I spy a lion lamp. Where did you that? I love it!

  11. Trista - Hi. I got the Lion lamp on etsy. Maybe another vendor will have one.
