Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Sarah Richardson's Book & New Releases!

How did I not know Sarah Richardson's first book, Sarah Style, is about to be released!  I know, hard to believe this is her 1st book considering her amazing career and huge fan base.  It's out Nov 4th and is currently priced on amazon for only $18.30.  Can't wait for mine to arrive.

Erin Gates is currently on an 11 city tour with her first book, Elements of Style: Designing a Home & a Life.   I was all set to go to her book signing this past Friday and then something came up.  Love that her book includes not just beautiful designs but poignant as well as funny insights into her life as well.  Also absolutely love this foyer!

Just realizing the theme continues with first books with Nancy Braithwaite's just released Nancy Braithwaite: Simplicity and Markham Roberts Decorating the Way I See It.  This is shaping up to be a great fall for design reads!


  1. I love the way Erin styled the foyer with the lucite table and vintage suitcases. Must check out the book :)

  2. I have those on my christmas list. So much great stuff coming out in the next few weeks.

  3. Thanks for the heads up ... Going to Amazon to order right now.

  4. Great list, Michele!
    Thank you for sharing.
