Nov 2003 Traditional Home - The first two images are from the home of British designer Emily Todhunter and the conservatory is from the home of Jeremy Hackett. They stood out to me as designs that create a quiet, calming atmosphere.

Photography above by Colleen Duffley, image below by Francis Hammond.

Hope you have a great weekend - calming or otherwise, depending on your preference!
p.s. - thanks for all the lovely comments about my son's acceptance into MassArt
I just love the old images. Reminds me of when my children were younger. We tended to be a little more tedious about decoration then.
Have a nice weekend, Michele.
I am looking forward to a calm weekend!
Beautiful! I'll go with "calming". Kind of fits this winter lull!
Hope your weekend is exactly as you wish!
xo Elizabeth
Michele I love the art in the first image; really beautiful. I am all for Calm right now!
Do come and join my Giveaway from Serena & Lily!
Art by Karena
I ahhhdore the petit sunroom with a dinning table.. perfect dahhling!
It really helps to see what stands the test of time, doesn't it? Love that garden room.
btw, Michele-
Just saw you piece in this issue of Matchbook Magazine! Congratulations!
I love the mantel the posies are adorable, the fire divine. Thanks for sharing. I will follow on my way out and hope you can find the time to come visit me and do the same. I look forward to engaging throughout twenty twelve with you. Cheers SpecialK XoXo
Uh, love that patio so much! Perfection!
That sun room is gorgeous...love the herringbone birck patio too.
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